(Simpson-E. 2015)
[((Border Music x Lady Betty Fretz) x Palace Garden
Beauty)) x In Stitches]
Tet. 6″ 28″ Sev-Dor EM 21 Buds 4 Branches
Fragrant Rebloom
This lovely daylily is a large cream peach with a flared peach-pink eye and a fancy ruffled edge of peach and pink. Absolutely stunning in a clump, “Ethel’s Heart” is a very special flower named in honor of my mother, Ethel Simpson. She is an amazing woman with a loving, generous heart of gold whose life continues to bless many who are fortunate enough to cross her path. Fertile both ways.
You will
receive a very nice double fan
- Product Code: ETHEL’S HEART
- Availability: In Stock